You are now ready to take the 4th Kyu Exam. Make sure you have had a look at grading exam video in the 4th Kyu Purple/White Belt Module, which you will be required to perform. If you have any queries please speak with us at any stage.
- Ideally you will be able to film in a 6m x 6m room allowing for all the moves to be performed without stopping. The camera must also be able to film the whole frame, you may need a wide angle webcam or wide angle setting on your phone if you choose to do it this way.
- When filming using your chosen device, please ensure that your footage is at least 720p to allow us to correctly inspect your video when you upload it for accurate examination.
- Your exam film must be one continuous shot and in frame of you taking the exam at all times, if for whatever reason you go out of frame, the footage stops and restarts, battery goes on your device, unfortunately you will need to re upload your video, if you have submitted this as your final video this will be your submission and may risk failing the exam based on this. We do allow you to delete and reupload your video before submission if you are not 100% happy with your video.
- We would recommend using your camera tripod for your device rather than someone hold it for you, allowing full focus to be on the exam and the best quality outcome for you.
- For your first exam you do not need to wear a Karate Gi, however further exams will need to be in a Gi and wearing the belt of your current grade
- Gi’s must be pure white with no badges etc and clean and ironed. Students with dirty or crumpled Gi’s will not be examined
- You can do your exam anywhere you wish, indoors or outdoors as long as we can see and hear you at all times
- If during the pandemic you do not have enough room to perform any part of the grading exam then just do what you can in full stances but shuffle forwards or backwards to give yourself the space you need
- Remember to use the video with voice over playing loudly in the background. This will help you remembering what you have to do and also so the exam team know you are doing the correct exam. This also enables multiple exams to be done at once as per live exams. You must perform the movements exactly the same as the voice over
Good Luck
- If you ARE a current member paying the monthly or annual subscription to My Online Karate then you have the following benefits:
- Access to all the training modules
- Cheaper exam fees at £25 for the full exam or £10 for an exam retest
- You do not have any restriction on times in between exams, you can either do it or you can’t. There is no waiting time in between exams
- If you pass the exam you will receive the appropriate certificate for that exam
- If you fail you will only have to retest ONLY on the part you have failed on
- You have access to Sensei and feedback free of charge for all video submissions
- You will have access to the clubs private members only facebook group